
Showing posts from 2016


“2016年就快结束啦。” 我知道,这句话不懂哪里听了多少遍, 有些腻了,却还是会听到人说。 如果你说,2016也没什么,又是一年, 那恭喜你,你没变。以不变胜万变, 高招! (开玩笑啦。) 那,如果你变了呢? 这绝对不是坏事,至少你已经长大了。(应该吧) 你生命里经历了更多,人生经验又加多一点了。 痛苦、快乐,我们都经历了。 就,继续过好每一天吧。 大家加油吧! 预祝大家2017年快乐。

As the weeks coming...

We know, the weeks is coming. The weeks of festive.  I truly hope that we all are living the X'mas spirit with a greater, calmer heart.  Yes, we know  some things had happened. But we all have the same hope - A peace environment. A moment of Joy. Some no matter what, I hope that the season of greeting can continue until next year. A happier moment, a more better environment. That's the only thing I wish. Happy holiday, Happy New Year.


Seriously, nowadays we are too obsessed with materialistic things, are we? The story is like this, I went home yesterday and kinds cleaning my room. Then, when I cleaned up the section where I put my shoes and realised "Wow! Why so many shoes?" Ya, 5 pair of shoes including the 2 pairs of sandals. What? Why I need so much shoes when I only have a pair of legs? Well, we don't need that much of shoes and this also mean that we are wasting quite a lot of things on something we don't need too much. Sometimes, one is enough. So, you can see that we had wasted you money on those materialistic stuff, kinds right isn't it?

What if...

What if... I'm a bird high flying in the sky?  Will I be as free as them, no regrets, high fly embracing the nature? What if... I'm a tree standing as one part of the forest? Will I able to help preventing the global warming, by absorbing the carbon dioxide? What if... I'm the soul of the nature? Will I be able to nurture all the souls that get hurt in the relationship? There's no if, if what you hope never comes. To be best, being yourself is the best "What if". Stop seeking all the possibility and start facing the reality. You'll be finding the true meaning of life. You'll not lost, if you can find yourself again.

Lately, I found a good book!

Seriously, lately I've been reading some good books. One of it is 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey. A pretty good book, as you read on, you learn a lot on how to be a person effectively. Don't want to revealed much, just go and look for the book above and read it yourself. Hope you can be a better person after read it. :)

A day at Kuala Kubu Bahru

The historical old building.  The sun.  The monk statue on a local famous Chinese temple.  The stories of San Zhang.  The temple, from front view.  The praying ribbon. The joss stick.  The smiling Buddha.  The view from the hot springs.  The wild wild bushes. The clear water from the hot springs. Thanks to YB Lee Kee Hiong and her fellow team in retaining the hot spring cleanliness.  Also a lot of thanks, to the Mr. Lee who is in-charged of cleaning and observing the safeness of the water. The journey ends. Ta ta. See you again.

Back to normal

Ya, everything back to normal. No more terrible feeling, no more sadness, just back to the same old time. I seriously don't want to comment about anything. Ya, how much you felt, there's just some way out.  Yes, it really feel bad to lost something important but you just got to be used to it. I really don't mind people hitting me with nasty word anymore, people will learn to be more bullet-proof with all those bad comments. Ya, and all those stab me at the back, thanks for make me stronger. How naive in my past, that raise me up as someone mature. People who truly appreciate me I'll know, and those who not, I do still want to thank you, for if not you (who is those that had hurt me), I might still in my dream, thinking that whatever person I might encountered are all good people. I still want to be good person, cause that's who I am. If you not agree with me, its fine. Your mouth belongs to you, and ...

The stream of development

The world change. We change. From attitude to perspective to what I called the international point of view, we change everyday. Any weird news, we might just received it without filtering it. I don't know, whether this is right or wrong, but I prefer to think again and again before telling others. But I guess, do anyone cares even if you telling the truth? I really don't know. I hate to lie, but the world somehow tells me that we do need to give out some white lies sometimes, in order to stream ourselves with the development of the whole world. I really don't want to comment on this. You think about it.

CNY Testing

Happy CNY Ya, I know, I sing. Well, I've been trying to find a platform to expand myself and add value to life. When I sing, that's when I feel comfortable. Serious, my voice might not be that good if compared to others.  But I can sing, I believe.  So, if you like my voice do give me a like in my YouTube link.  But if you don't, do give me some advise to improve my singing. Thanks. Since its still in Chinese New Year, I wish you all happy CNY.

The time - It's coming again

Well, the Chinese New Year is coming back. For me, this year is something stressful. Money is reducing on its value, GST blah blah blah, things goes wrong, very wrong. I know I shouldn't say this but the economies is declining in the way of not benefiting the peoples. At least I can feel a terrible hit by the economies. If you are a Malaysian, you know what I mean. Seriously, I mean I can't use the same amount of money to buy a house much like my dad's time. And now I am trying to reducing any spending I can to increase the value in my account. (Even though I know this is NOT a wise act to maximize my own value.)  Now, the atmosphere of CNY is just too dull. I don't really get tangible by that happy mood of festival is going to arrive. No, really. Hopefully their some changes very soon, although I know it's a bit impossible.  New Year, new wish. ..... :(

快乐 Happiness

快乐可以很简单。不是吗? 别为谁烦恼,你没必要这么做。 当你被辜负的时候,别忘了,还会有真心关心你的人。 你知道的,谁真心、谁假意。 被人耍了,记得不要哭,反而要微笑。因为,你认清了一个人的真面目。 不要逃避,因为错的不是你。 用宽容的心去接受,你会更快乐。 Happiness can be easy. Isn't it? Don't feel annoyance for anyone, cause you don't have to. When you being disappointed, don't forget that there's still someone who really cares about you. You know it, if someone is sincere or the other way round. When you had being fooled, remember don't cry, but smile instead. Because you have known one's true colour. Don't tried to escape, cause its not your fault. Let's use an open heart to accept these, and you'll feel much happier.


I'm wondering why I'm here. Wondering who am I? Wondering what should I do to be a better person. Still looking for answer.