
Showing posts from December, 2016


“2016年就快结束啦。” 我知道,这句话不懂哪里听了多少遍, 有些腻了,却还是会听到人说。 如果你说,2016也没什么,又是一年, 那恭喜你,你没变。以不变胜万变, 高招! (开玩笑啦。) 那,如果你变了呢? 这绝对不是坏事,至少你已经长大了。(应该吧) 你生命里经历了更多,人生经验又加多一点了。 痛苦、快乐,我们都经历了。 就,继续过好每一天吧。 大家加油吧! 预祝大家2017年快乐。

As the weeks coming...

We know, the weeks is coming. The weeks of festive.  I truly hope that we all are living the X'mas spirit with a greater, calmer heart.  Yes, we know  some things had happened. But we all have the same hope - A peace environment. A moment of Joy. Some no matter what, I hope that the season of greeting can continue until next year. A happier moment, a more better environment. That's the only thing I wish. Happy holiday, Happy New Year.